Water purification information

AICKSN|How much is reasonable to buy a water purifier?

Views : 84002
Update time : 2022-03-16 17:12:54
I believe that many people think that the tap water we use every day is very clean. Except for boiling and sterilizing, there is no need to purify and filter the tap water. But in fact, it is difficult to say whether the tap water is clean or not, because the tap water is likely to be secondary polluted by unexpected accidents during the transportation process. The sterilization method of boiling does not actually eliminate all the harmful substances, and is only effective for some.

If you want tap water to achieve the effect of direct drinking, you can install a household water purifier at home and let it solve the problem of instant drinking.
However, when purchasing water purifier products, it is also a very tangled matter, not only to choose the product style, but also to choose the product type, and even to choose the price.

Some people may not look at the price and only look at the quality of the product when shopping, but for the vast majority of workers, they still hope that they can buy products with high cost performance, for fear that they are not worth it. price of the product. So what is the reasonable price of household water purifiers?


The price range of general products is determined according to the positioning and type of the market, so the prices of various types of water purifiers are not the same. For example, a pre-filter, which filters out large particles of impurities, can protect all wading appliances, so the price is generally within $350. In the case of a pipeline machine, it is actually the function of heating the water temperature, without the effect of purifying water. Ultrafiltration water purifiers are not bad in terms of water purification effect, and are more suitable for kitchen water. The price is between 350 and 450 US dollars. It is too expensive and not worth it.

Ultrafiltration water purifier

The reverse osmosis water purifier filters pure water, and the filtration effect is relatively good. The price ranges from $200 to $950, depending on the quality of the product, but if it exceeds $1,200, it is too expensive. The purification and heating integrated machine is a product that combines a reverse osmosis water purifier and a pipeline machine. It can be purified or heated. Several are expensive, generally ranging from $600 to $1,100.

reverse osmosis water purifier
When we have a general understanding of the price of the water purifier, we can be more confident when purchasing, so as not to be fooled when purchasing.

In addition, you must keep in mind that when the price of the product you see is significantly lower than the lowest price in the market, do not buy it. Although it is cheap, manufacturers must also want to make money when they produce products, and the cost is there. Why the low price is, I believe everyone knows without going into details.

In addition, if the price is too high, it is not necessarily a good product, because some merchants have figured out this mentality of consumers, and deliberately hyped or made some flashy functions to increase the price. The most important thing is to remember that the free water purifier is likely to be a trap. If it is said to be free, it may charge a lot of money in other aspects later.

No matter which market it is, there are consumption traps. Among them, the price trap is probably that many people may fall into it. As the saying goes, knowing yourself and knowing your enemy will never end in a hundred battles. We still need to do our homework before buying so as not to be fooled.
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