Water purification information

The sales of air purifiers are on a downward trend. Is it because the air purifiers are useless?

Views : 67070
Update time : 2021-08-28 16:38:44
   The air purifier market, like the air conditioner market, has always been considered an industry that "sees the sky for food". Since the sales of air purifiers increased sharply around 2015, it has shown a continuous decline in sales for several consecutive years. According to relevant data, the retail volume of air purifier products in 2018 was 5.291 million units, a year-on-year decrease of 27%; in 2019, the cumulative sales of air purifiers in my country was 4.137 million units, a year-on-year decrease of 12.2%. During the 2020 epidemic, demand for air purifiers increased, but the offline market was subject to many restrictions. The annual sales of air purifiers were 3.795 million units, a year-on-year decrease of 18.5%.
   Air purifier, as the name implies, is a household appliance that purifies indoor air. Generally speaking, an air purifier consists of a body shell, a movement, an air duct, and a filter element. Among them, the three most important parts are the filter element, the movement and the air duct. The movement affects the air intake efficiency of the air purifier, and the air duct further improves the efficiency of air intake and purification. A good movement is matched with it. The air duct must also achieve life-use experience such as energy saving, emission reduction, and low noise. The filter element is the core of an air purifier. Commonly used air purification technologies include the most common adsorption, positive and negative ions, catalysis, activated carbon, electrostatic, and HEPA high-efficiency filtration technologies. The fan drives the air into the filter element and passes through the air outlet after filtration. With this multiple cycles, the effect of indoor air purification is completed.
   So, does the decline in sales mean that air purifier products have no effect on our lives? The answer is of course not. Although the sales of air purifier products have not seen a major growth trend in the past two years, with the improvement of user consumption levels and the pursuit of healthy life, more attention is paid to such health products. Especially during the 618 promotion this year, air purifier products have been favored by more and more consumers. In the author's view, in the next few years, air purifiers will further enter consumers' homes.
First of all, in the post-epidemic era, many offline stores welcome consumers who want to know about air purifier products. Their concern is whether the air purifier can purify bacteria and harmful substances in the air, which is important for the current mainstream air purification. As far as air purifier products are concerned, naturally, more and more consumers are beginning to realize the importance of air purifiers for a healthy life.
   Secondly, the pain points of the use of air purifier products are being solved one by one. The previous generation of air purifier products mostly used a non-cylindrical design, with the air inlet on one side of the fuselage, while the current mainstream air purifier products mostly use a cylinder with a 360 layout for the air inlet, which has a higher purification efficiency. In addition, the noise problem has also been qualitatively changed in recent years. Take a number of air purifiers that I have contacted as an example, all of their motors use keywords such as DC, frequency conversion, brushless, etc., with the optimization of each air purifier air duct design, basically can achieve sleep mode The level of undisturbed noise.

  In addition, smart experience empowers smart life. With the popularization of IOT smart life, most smart home appliances = devices can play a convenient life effect in smart life, and the same is true for air purifier products. In the past, air purifiers were manually turned on when there was a problem with the air quality, which of course would bring some cumbersome operations. However, with the upgrade of IOT smart home experience, some Internet brands and traditional air purifier brands have begun to deploy here. At present, mainstream air purifier products on the market can sense changes in indoor air, and will link the products to start independently. The link to purify the air. The intelligence of air purifiers also helps to enhance consumer experience, present product purification effects in a timely manner, realize the visualization of the operation process of air purifiers, and meet the needs of modern consumers for the use of air purifiers.
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